
Anxiety Therapy
Is fear of failure holding you back from going after your hopes and dreams? Are you struggling with performance anxiety related to work or sports?

Child Therapy
Are you worried about your child’s anxious mindset and behaviors? Do they demonstrate a strong resistance to stepping outside their comfort zone?

Teen Counseling
Is your teen struggling with the pressure to perform and succeed? Have they begun to show signs of anxiety, depression, or intense fear of failure?

Relationship Counseling
Have you been going through a period of loneliness and isolation? Are you dealing with social anxiety and fear of rejection?

Parenting Counseling
Do you have trouble setting limits or boundaries with your child or teenager? Now that your child is older, have the two of you lost the connection that you once had?

Play Therapy
Play Therapy operates on the principle that play is the child’s way of communicating. Children often find it hard to express their feelings verbally, and play provides them an age appropriate alternative.

Therapy for Women
Imagine a life where you no longer feel pressured to be superwoman. Imagine that your needs are met, your boundaries are respected, and your relationships feel healthy and supportive.

Therapy for Men
Imagine that your work environment is healthy and your home life is stable. You’ve put the pain of the past behind you and you feel confident and empowered to be your authentic self.